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Thursday, February 17, 2005

New theme

Since there was previously no theme for this blog, I now declare my future posts to focus on movie of which I have not been exposed firsthand. I call them "second-hand reviews." For example, movie commentary will be based on the previews and critic reviews, but the posting will end if I actually see the movie. There may be some additions to include music (albums I do not own) or other media (rants about current events). But I still cannot guarantee regular posting. Enjoy. And feel free to add your own comments to my opinions.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger Arbusto said...

So is this like before Farenheit 9/11 people hating it without even seeing it? Bad, closeminded Utah!

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Utah said...

Kind of, but this also includes loving a movie that I'd probably dislike if I actually watched it. Prime example: "The Royal Tennenbaums" It was not nearly as good as the critics made it out to be.


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