TheUtah Main Page

An opinion web for me.

Link from this page to read the full post.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bush speaks. Bush's "Address to the Nation" turns into a military pep talk.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ex-Klansman gets 60 years. A forty year old case and an eighty-year-old suspect. Find him guilty and give him sixty years.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A wonderful film with a mix of action and comedy.

Monday, June 20, 2005

California earthquakes. With this recent series of earthquakes, California may soon fall into the ocean.
Spurs vs. Pistons. This year we watch a strange battle in the NBA Finals between two very strong teams.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Recent posts

This may be too much work to keep up, but I'll do it at least once. So you, as the reader, don't have to search each blog for new posts, I'll list them here with links.

Social Security (and faulty logic). How to solve the Social Security issue
Breast-feeding debate. Can you believe there are people in the world opposed to public breast-feeders?
Let's Practice Medical Percussion. Want to get in trouble really fast? Ask your students to take off their aprons.
A glue spill. Now that makes for a sticky mess.
Ashton Kutcher's latest reality show. Everyone should watch "Beauty and the Geek."

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Another change

Because Blogger allows it, I just created numerous blogs under my account. This way I can sort entries by topic. All of the blogs are consistent in format with links to each other on the sidebar. Also, each blog has unique links related to the content on the page. Enjoy.

If you find any errors or invalid links, share them on any working page. I also welcome recommendations for links on my sidebar.

Monday, June 06, 2005

New theme (again)

Two observations about the the progression of this blog: 1) As the title says, I never guaranteed any regularity of my postings. However, this much time in between posts is ridiculous. 2) I want to alter the theme. I like the idea of second-hand reviews, and I could do well with it if I had time to write entries. Even when I first declared this theme in February, I expanded it to include additional topics. The only thread among them was the lack of firsthand knowledge pertaining to the subject of choice. Now I realize a problem. Suppose I want to write an entry about a movie such as "The Incredibles." In the time I put off the post, I finally see the movie, making it ineligible for inclusion, but my mind wants to share some thoughts. Quite a dilemma. As such, I am further expanding the content of this blog.

From this day forth, this blog shall consist of reviews of movies, seen and unseen, along with music and other entertainment news.